Waffle Charts

The Waffle Charts visualization provide an intuitive overview of proportions in a dataset and the ability to compare them based on different categories / variables.
For example, they can be used to highlight indicators of achievement of objectives.

Create your waffle charts

To configure a Waffle Charts visualization, click on Visualizations in the navigation bar, then on Configure visualization.

  1. Choose the application Waffle Charts
  2. Enter the title of your visualization

You are redirected to the configuration page of your application with its different sections:

  1. Information
  2. Action buttons (full screen, integration on a site, capture, ...)
  3. Configuration menu
  4. Preview

Page de configuration

The title of the visualization can be changed anytime.
The Informations section shows a summary of the characteristics of your application.

Configuration menu

The configuration menu contains two submenus: Data and Render.


In the Data menu, you can choose the data set you want to use.
The Value to compare section allows to define the comparison field of the 100 squares of a "waffle".
The Category section allows to define the number of different waffles you will display on your visualization.

The Calculation section allows to add a sum to a column or to count the rows The Calculate Field section allows to define the column that contains the values ​​for your sum.

Filters are used to restrict the data displayed in the application.


The Render menu is used to modify the displayed icon in the waffles and to choose the colors.

When you are satisfied with the preview click on Save to finalize your configuration.
You can add a description at the bottom of the page and make your application public.
You can consult it using the consult or full screen buttons.