Create a news page
The news pages allow you to communicate to your visitors the latest news that you want to put forward concerning the domain of your portal.
Creation of a news page
The Portals section of Data Fair allows you to access the editing of your portals. You can then access the editing of the Content Pages using the Edit Content Pages button at the top right.
Then click on the create a new page button.
A menu is displayed allowing you to fill in the parameters of your page:
- The title of the page
- Themes : choose the themes of your portal
- The page template allows you to choose a predefined page layout
- The layout in the menu, in direct link or in a sub-menu
Tous les paramètres de ce menu pourrons être modifié par la suite.
In our image the content page is called The new DATARMOR has arrived, that has a news page template and we have put Absent for the navigation bar.
Configuration of a news page
On the left side of the editing page is the editorial content, it will allow you to customize your page.
On the right side of your page, you have a preview of your content page that updates in real time.
The edition part allows you to fill in the elements of a news item:
- The title displayed on the news page
- The heading that allows a brief introduction
- The image that will be displayed on the news page and in the news file
- The general description which is the content of the news.
You can use the following video as an example to complete your first news item:
For an opendata portal, you will have to make your page public so that it is available to visitors not connected to your portal.
Portal configuration
Once you have made your first news, you can configure your portal so that the list of news is displayed on the first page:
To display the news button on the navigation bar, choose infinite scroll list in the news section of your portal configuration:
By clicking on the button in the navigation bar, visitors of your portal will be presented with a list of news items sorted from the most recent to the oldest: