Data Fair menu
The menu allows to change the active account and access the Notifications and Storage pages of the account.
The menu is available at the top right
In the image above, the active account is the Koumoul account. It is possible to switch accounts to your personal account.
My account
The My account page provides access to your personal account information such as your registration email, your avatar, the first name, last name and birthday entered.
You can renew your password in this section.
The My Organizations section displays a summary of the organizations you are a member.
It is also possible to delete your personal account.
Manage your personnal account
The notifications page allows to configure various email or browser alerts you will receive.
Select the notifications you want to receive
When a notification is triggered, a colored dot is present on the bell at the top right of Data Fair.
The bell display the summary of the alerts sent.
The storage page presents a summary of the datasets in your account.
Statistics of account are available such as number of datasets, total space consumed, total space available, and number of views.