Cards and list

The Cards and list visualization allows to filter, search and explore each of the rows of your data. It can for example be used to embed a search engine for your data on a site. The results are presented in the form of cards which may contain images.

Create a Cards and list visualization

Click on Visualizations then on Configure a visualization.

  1. Choose the application Cards and list
  2. Enter the title of the visualization

You are redirected to the configuration page of your application with its different sections:

  1. Information
  2. Action buttons (full screen, integration on a site, capture, ...)
  3. Configuration menu
  4. Preview

Page de configuration

The title of the visualization can be changed anytime.
The Informations section shows a summary of the characteristics of your application.

Configuration menu

The configuration menu contains five sub-menus: Data, Thumbnail, Detailed card, Navigation and Display.


The Data submenu allows to choose a dataset and define Predefined filters. Predefined filters restrict the data displayed in the application. You can Restrict to Values from a column, Restrict to Range of Values from a column, or Exclude Values​​ from a column.


The Thumbnail sub-menu allows to choose the different fields displayed in the cards. If your dataset you contains the concepts Label, Image and Description, the application List and Forms will automatically display them in the cards.

3.Detailed card

The Detailed card sub-menu allows to activate the detailed cards. When the option Activate detailed cards is selected, the cards become clickable and will display a larger and more detailed card according to the fields that you choose.


The Navigation sub-menu is used to manage the filters of your visualization. With filtering and sorting options, users will be able to explore your dataset smoothly.


The Display submenu allows to choose the rendering of the image on the thumbnail. The image can be displayed as a banner, logo or not displayed.

When you are satisfied with the preview click on Save to finalize your configuration.
You can add a description at the bottom of the page and make your application public.
You can consult it using the consult or full screen buttons.