Parcel info

The Parcel Info visualization allows you to project your data onto an interactive French cadastral map.


To view your data on Parcel Info, your dataset must contain a column of parcel identifiers of 14 characters.
These identifier (or parcel code) are made up of this method: common INSEE code of 5 digits + cadastre section code of 5 characters + cadastral parcel number of 4 digits = structured parcel identifier for Parcel info.

For example 56197037ZC0063 is a valid code for Parcel info. An exemple is the dataset of agricultural plots managed by the agricultural management of the City of Toulouse which has a column with identifiers of 14 characters valid for Parcel info.

Your dataset must also contain latitudes and longitudes associated with each field code.
If you only have 14 character identifiers, it is possible to enrich your dataset and import the latitudes and longitudes according to the parcel identifiers with the help for the cadastre enrichment of the Koumoul platform.


To configure a Parcel info visualization, your active account contains a data set with concepts Parcel code, Latitude and Longitude associated in its schema.

Once you update your data schema, the Map preview is available in the Data section. This allows to verify that your data is correctly projected on a map.

Create a Parcel info visualization

lick on Visualizations then on Configure a visualization.

  1. Choose the application Parcel info
  2. Enter the title of the visualization

You are redirected to the configuration page of your application with its different sections:

  1. Information
  2. Action buttons (full screen, integration on a site, capture, ...)
  3. Configuration menu
  4. Preview

Page de configuration

The title of the visualization can be changed anytime.
The Informations section shows a summary of the characteristics of your application.

Configuration menu

The configuration menu contains four sub-menus: Data, Render and Navigation.


In the Data menu, you choose the dataset you want to use.

Note: If your dataset is not available in this menu, make sure you have updated the concepts Latitude, Longitude and Parcel Code in your dataset.


In the Render menu, the Color by value defines the column used for the colors of your legend. You can choose the different colors you want to associate with your legend values.

In the Tooltip parameter, you can select multiple columns to display when a user clicks on a parcel.

You can have a 3D render with the Field height.


The Navigation menu is used to activate geolocation and define the initial position of the map.

When you are satisfied with the preview click on Save to finalize your configuration.
You can add a description at the bottom of the page and make your application public.
You can consult it using the consult or full screen buttons.