The concepts are known elements for the platform. Your data is more explicit.
Concepts increase the reusability of your data and link your data to the functionalities of Data Fair such as enrichment.
The dataset edition page allows to select the concepts in the Schema section.
- Selected column
- Label and description of the column
- Key, type and cardinality of the column
- Concept associated with the column
Concepts are needed to create of some visualizations.
A concept is unique for a dataset, it can only be attributed once to a dataset. For example, if the Latitude concept is associated with a column of your dataset, it cannot be associated with another column.
List of concepts
It is possible to create your own concepts and use them in your reference data.
Here is the default list of concepts used by Data Fair:
- Label: An easily readable label
- Description: A small descriptive text (HTML content accepted)
- Image: URL to an illustration image of the current document
- Street number: A house number, which can contain words like bis or ter
- Street or locality: A street or locality name
- Address: An full address written on one line
- Municipality: Municipality name
- Postal code: Postal code, on 5 digits
- Municipality code: INSEE code of the municipality, on 5 characters, not to be confused with the postal code.
- Department code: Department code on 2 or 3 characters
- Region code: Region code on 2 digits
- Latitude: Geographic coordinate related to the equator
- Longitude: Geographic coordinate related to the Greenwich meridian
- Latitude / Longitude: latitude / longitude separated by a comma
- SIRET: The SIRET number is a 14-digit numeric identifier made up of the SIREN (9 digits) and the NIC (5 digits)
- SIREN: The SIREN number is a company digital identifier (9 digits)
- APE code: The APE code (main activity exercised) identifies the main branch of activity of the company or of the self-employed person with reference to the classification of French activities
- Legal category (level 3): The legal category of level 3, sometimes called legal nature is a code on 4 numeric characters. It comes from a nomenclature of the French government.
- Date of the event: Corresponds to the date of the event
- Creation date: Date on which the resource was created
- Parcel code: The cadastral parcel code is the unique number assigned by the Cadastre Service to identify a cadastral parcel at the national level. It is composed of 14 characters: INSEE commune code of 5 digits + cadastre section code of 5 characters + cadastre parcel number of 4 digits. For example 56197037ZC0063 is a valid french code.
- GeoJSON geometry: A geometry (point, polygon, line, etc.) in GeoJSON format.
- Attached files: Relative path to a file attached to the dataset or URL to a file hosted outside